Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's

Assalamualaikum & Hello.
Hai korang! Dah masuk satu August pun hari ni, semakin menghampiri ke penghujung tahun 2018 nampaknya. Heheh. Baru ni ada penyakit 'malas' sikit nak memasak. Lagi satu sebab dah jemu makan air tangan sendiri, Cehh! So jalan penyelesaian yang paling mudah, kita guna khidmat McDelivery. Walaupun McDonald's depan rumah aje pun, tapi tetap jugak menggedik nak guna delivery. Hahaha! Dasar pemalas. Pejam mata aje lah kita bayar charge delivery sempat ringgit padahal dekat sangat dengan rumah. Sekali sekala guna McDdelivery apa salahnya ye dak. Hari tu Nani ada baca dekat twitter ramai yang bagi feedback & cakap burger baru Mexicana Chicken Burger Mcdonald's ni sedap! Nani pun terjebak sama jugak lah nak beli & rasa. Selalunya kalau pergi Mcd memang memanjang order ayam goreng tak pun McFlurry. Jarang sangat makan burger dekat Mcd ni sebab Nani bukan jenis minat burger sangat. Tapi dah sana sini orang cakap yang burger ni sedap kemain, so why not kan kita try pulak kali ni. 
Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's
 Tadaa ini lah satu set Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's ni hah. Macam biasa lah, ada burger, air dengan fries. Nani hari tu ambil set Large RM 20.80 sebab Nani tukar ambil air Milo. Kalau yang saiz Medium RM 17.90 macam tu & untuk A La Carte RM 15. Pada Nani macam rugi sikit kalau ambil yang jenis a la carte sebab beza duit ringgit aje dengan yang burger satu set. Better terus beli yang satu set punya. Gitu. So sedap ke tidak burger ni?

Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's
 Pada Nani burger ni biasa biasa aje rasa dia, tak ada lah sedap sangat sangat sampai rasa nak repeat order. Tapi ikut selera dan tekak masing - masing lah kan. Burger ni serius besar, kira memang kenyang lah bila makan tapi tak tahu lah kalau korang lapar lagi kan lepas tu. Hahah! Chicken patty tu besar dan rangup tapi Nani rasa dia ala ala nugget ayam gitu. Ada yang cakap burger ni pedas tapi Nani makan hari tu tak ada pulak rasa pedas walaupun memang dia orang ada letak sos jalapeno. Selain daripada sos jalapeno tu, ada jugak mayonis tomato istimewa dalam burger ni. 
Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's
Ini lah rupa dekat bahagian dalam burger ni. Kalau korang jenis peminat burger, wajib lah try ni. Tak sure sampai bila burger ni ada, selalunya dua tiga bulan macam tu aje. Nani ni hari tu saja order sebab ramai yang cakap sedap. Tapi sedap tu subjektif kan, ikut selera masing - masing. Gitu. Nani bagi rate 3.5/5 untuk Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's ni. Hari tu nak order jugak Strawberry Pie tapi dah habis pulak, yang ada just Apple Pie. Sobs. Sebab Strawberry Pie tu tak ada lah, Nani kena buat order untuk delivery dua kali. Iye lah, mana boleh main cancel cancel gitu aje kan bila guna sistem ni. Heheh. Next time lah kita try Strawberry Pie pulak. Korang pulak dah try ke Mexicana Chicken Burger McDonald's ni?

KFC Loaded Go Bowl

Assalamualaikum & Hello.
Hai korang! Dah tengah hari baru sempat nak update blog, dari pagi busy kemain siapkan kerja yang tak pernah habis. Heheh. Kisahnya baru ni pergi tengok movie Skyscraper lakonan Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). Ikutkan plan asal nak tengok movie Brother Of The Year tapi waktu tayangan petang pulak. So kita tengok aje lah movie apa yang ada. Not bad jugaklah movie Skyscraper tu and kalau korang sejenis yang suka layan movie yang genre action macam ni, nah memang wajib pergi tengok. Cuma pada aku ada certain scenes yang macam tak berapa nak logik. Hahah! Tapi worth lah untuk tengok. Rasanya dah lama gila tak tengok movie ni, last tengok cerita Pinjamkan Hatiku kot ke By My Side entah. Dah kenapa tajuk entry pasal KFC tiba tiba jadi movie review. Hahah! Jauh kemain pusing. Hari tu ingat nak buat satu entry betul review movie ni tapi tu lah tak ada masa. Sekali kan aje lah macam ni, senang! Okay lah back to the topic, finally dapat jugak rasa KFC Loaded Go Bowl yang baru ni. Awal awal hari tu kemain viral ni dekat twitter, Nani pun terjebak sama beli. 
KFC Loaded Go Bowl
Loaded Go Bowl (RM 3.70)
Since movie Skyscraper hari tu start pukul 12, sempat lah sebelum tu 'brunch' dulu dekat KFC. Actually Loaded Go Bowl ni lebih kurang aje macam yang Loaded Potato Bowl tu, cumanya yang ni dia gantikan kentang putar tu dengan fries and tak ada jagung. Nani rasa lagi suka yang baru ni sebab tak muak sangat bila makan. Kalau yang Loaded Potato Bowl tu cepat muak dan jarang sangat boleh habis makan satu bekas tu. Hahah! 
KFC Loaded Go Bowl
Overall, not bad jugak lah Loaded Go Bowl ni, kenyang jugak okay makan satu bekas ni. Cuma kalau cheese letak lebih sikit lagi, memang ngam! Nampak aje macam banyak dalam gambar tu, tapi tak sampai bawah pun. Heheh. Fries & ayam yang dekat bawah bawah tu memang makan kosong gitu aje. Harga pun mura murah aje satu bekas ni. Selain daripada Loaded Go Bowl & Loaded Potato Bowl ni, ada jugak Original Go Bowl dengan Curry Lava Rice Bowl. Harga sama aje kot semua RM 3.70. Setakat ni pernah try dua tu aje lah, lain lain next time maybe. Korang pulak dah pernah try makan yang mana? 

FSJ Shoes Collection For Women

Assalamualaikum & Hello.
Hi everyone! I have great news to share with you guys today especially the ladies! Have you ever heard about FSJ shoes? FSJ shoes is one of the shoe brandings that based in overseas. But don't worry, we also can purchase their shoes through the online website. Yay or nay? Hehe. Later on, I will share with you guys how to purchase FSJ shoes okay! My first impressions when I scroll down on their website, seriously I really love their shoes collections. Each collection has their own uniqueness & really nice for us to wear especially for those who are working. Me my self, I'm that kind of person who is very particular about my appearance even my shoes. Normally, I will wear shoes that looks nice and simple. I think FSJ shoes have a lot of collections that I really love. Definitely, I would buy one pair of shoes from their collections. I am very sure you guys also will like it! Let's see some of the FSJ shoes collections below.
FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
If you go through on their website, you can see that there are a lot of color of loafers that we can purchase. FSJ shoes collection also have several shoes types such as flat shoes, sandal, boots, sling back, mule and many more. 
FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
This one looks so nice and comfy. Other than purchase any shoes from their website, we also can customize our own shoes. It sounds interesting right? So if you guys have an idea to create your own dream shoes, you can do it with FSJ Shoes Collection. Looking at their collections, I'm sure that you guys will love it your custom shoes once you received it. 
💙 Black Loafers for Women 
FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
I think black shoes is like a must have shoes for everyone because it shows formality. Most of the time, people will wear black shoes to attend a meeting, dinner and other events. So, if you guys are looking for black shoes nah, you should visit FSJ shoes website. They have over 50 types of Black Loafers for Women. 
FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
 This one looks so simple yet very nice! I would prefer to wear this kind of flat shoes like this. So it will makes me easier to walk here and there. 
FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
If you want to wear something that makes you look 'different' you can purchase this Flats Floral Loafer. This one is also cool! 
💙 Red Loafers
 FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
Other than Black Loafers, Red Loafers also one of the best selling shoes on their website. Red shoes is really suitable to wear for a wedding, Chinese New Year, Christmas and other events. 
FSJ Shoes Collection For Women
So, if you want to purchase any shoes from FSJ Shoes Collection, you guys can log in to their website & make sure you already have paypal account. If you don't have any paypal account, you need to create the account first. Don't worry, creating paypal account is so easy! The best thing is, they provide this service to worldwide! As for now, they also givea discount on certain shoes up to 50%. Don't miss this opportunity okay! Last but not least, don't forget to visit their website based on the link below. I'm really make sure you guys will love their collections as well. 
Working Days: Monday - Sunday (10AM - 4PM)
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